Friday, August 26, 2011

Install SSL certificate on Windows Server 2000 / 2003

August 5, 2009 by  
Filed under General

1 Comment

  • Open Internet Services Manager from the Administrative Tools.
  • Right click on the website where you previously created a CSR and choose “Properties”.
  • Press the “Directory Security” tab and then click “Server Certificate” in the “Secure Communications” section.
  • When the wizard starts, choose “Process the pending request…” and press “Next”.
  • In the next screen, click “Browse” and then click the drop down box to choose “All Files *.*”. Now, navigate to the folder where you stored the .p7b file and select it.
  • Press “OK” and then click next.
  • Verify that the port number is correct (you won’t see this when renewing a certificate). The default SSL port is 443.
  • Finish the wizard and your certificate and intermediates will be installed.

Installing the intermediate certificates

If you completed the steps above using the .p7b, your certificate is completely installed along with the intermediates. So you don’t need to follow these steps. However, if you used the .cer file instead, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Download intermediate from your CA site
  • Move the file onto the Windows Server
  • Double-click the xroot.crt certificate and click “Install Certificate”.
  • Click “Next”, and then choose “Place all certificates in the following store”.
  • Click “Browse”, and then “Show Physical Stores”.
  • Click the plus (+) sign next to “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” and click “Local Computer” underneath it.
  • Click “OK”, then “Next” and then “Finish”.

Completing the installation

Your new certificates are available instantly – there is no need to restart IIS or the server itself. However, if you have a Microsoft ISA 2000/2004 server in front of your IIS server, you will need to follow the installation instructions for the Microsoft ISA Server as well.

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  1. Install an SSL certificate in WHM
  2. Generate a SSL Certificate and Signing Request


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