Introduction to Virtualmin
Virtualmin is a Webmin module for managing multiple virtual hosts through a single interface, like Plesk or Cpanel. It supports the creation and management of Apache virtual hosts, BIND DNS domains, MySQL databases, and mailboxes and aliases with Sendmail or Postfix. It makes use of the existing Webmin modules for these servers, and so should [...]
Opening ports in the firewall for the Mail Server
There are standard ports that are used to access most services. For example, accessing a website generally uses port 80 for normal (HTTP) web pages and port 443 for secure (HTTPS) pages. Smtp Smtp generally uses port 25 for connections although there are recommendations for port 587 (see the official documentation for details). Pop and [...]
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently, Verification failed
Today, I was getting the following error while trying to send email to any account of the server. The mail bounced with the following error messages. This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: [email protected] Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it [...]
Setting up DNS using Webmin (Quick Guide)
Here’s a quick walkthrough for using Webmin to setup DNS. (Depending on your Distro, you may need to change the Module Configuration, which you can find at the top left of the window entitled “Module Config”… Right under the “Webmin” icon.) Log into Webmin, and update it (if it needs it). Go to Servers, and [...]
Clean/Flushing Exim mail queue
Sometimes, it is necessary to clean the mail queue of exim. It is not very tough thing to to. Use the following steps to do the same: Login to WHM as root Click Mail Queue Manager from Email section of left side menu You will get a new page in right frame. Click Delete all [...]