Practical experience of migrating from HyperVM to VDSManager
This is originally posted by JOEsDC in WHT. It may come to use others’ help. I was able to successfully migrate all my hypervm nodes to VDSmanager without any data loss. Here are the steps I took. NOTE: I was running an up to date version of CentOS 5.3 x86_64 on all my nodes. I [...]
Secure and Optimize your Virtual Private Server (VPS)
These technques can definately help you, but remember, use them at your own risk. If you don’t know what your doing, research it before attempting it. SECURING CPANEL – WHM – AND ROOT on a VPS This will help but as mentioned in previous posts, with a VPS you do not have access to your [...]
HyperVM A multi-Virtualization Software: Boon For VPS Hosting Providers
HyperVM is a multi-virtualization, multi-server and multi-tiered software which permits VPS seller to manage, provide and delegate Open VZ or Xen based Virtual Private Servers (VPS). HyperVM is available in an hypervm HyperVM A multi-Virtualization Software: Boon For VPS Hosting Providers integrated form with Lxadmin hosting control panel. With the use of HyperVM the service [...]
What is cPanel?
cPanel is a unix based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site. cPanel utilized a 3 tier structure that provides functionality for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners to control the various aspects website and server administration through a standard [...]