Friday, September 30, 2011

Running Webmin on demand, and on different port!

July 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Webmin


If you are the single user of Webmin or have limited number of users, you may consider starting the webmin on demand! That is start the daemon only when you are going to use it and stop it back after your works are completed!

How to?

To start the webmin, you need to ssh to server. Run the following command:

ssh user@Server_IP ‘service webmin start’

This will ask you for password. If the password is correct and the user has proper permission, it will start the webmin.

When you are done, you can again stop it using the following command:

ssh user@Server_IP ‘service webmin stop’

You can also start webmin on different port rather than standard 10000 port. Simply run the following command:

ssh user@Server_IP -p 10010 ‘service webmin start’

and stop it as well by

ssh user@Server_IP -p 10010 ‘service webmin stop’

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  4. Installing Webmin in Ubuntu, LinuxMint
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2 Responses to “Running Webmin on demand, and on different port!”
  1. DaveQB says:

    This will not work unless the user has root ssh allowed and ssh’s as root [both not a good idea.]

    Additionally, the -p argument to ssh just changes the ssh port, not the webmin port.

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  2. themoah says:

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