Sunday, October 14, 2012

Installing WHMSonic Admin Pro in cPanel server

September 3, 2009 by  
Filed under cPanel

What is WHMSonic Shoutcast Admin Pro ? WHMSonic is a popular WHM/cPanel plugin, intended on making your life easier. WHMSonic’s plugins install in seconds and allows you to offer Shoutcast streaming media, AutoDJ, radio reseller from your Dedicated or VPS server without SSH access. Our plugins also support your users in cPanel. Users can setup [...]

License File Expired : Solution

August 31, 2009 by  
Filed under cPanel

Due to several reasons you might have seen the error while loggin in to cPanel. In case the license is expired, contact your data center or license isser. If you believe, that your license is not expired, follow the steps to get out of this problem. First verify that your license is not invalid/expired Login [...]

cPanel-WHM Packages :: Modify default dedicated IP setting

August 29, 2009 by  
Filed under cPanel

When you setup a new package in cPanel/WHM, you can set whether the hosting accounts of this package will get dedicated IP or not. That means, when you check the Dedicated IP box, any new account created of that package will get a dedicated IP address. However, in future, we you need to modify this [...]

Configuring your Firewall for Webmin

August 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Webmin

Many operating systems block access to port 10000 by default (this is the default port for webmin interface), as they have a firewall activated as part of the installation process. This may prevent you from logging into http://yourserver:10000/ from another system on your network or over the Internet. The simplest way to open up port [...]

Installing DirectAdmin in dedicated server

August 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Direct Admin

Before you start install of DirectAdmin, make you everything is ready. Check Prerequisites: Check your OS and Hardware are capable of running DirectAdmin. Click here for details. At least one external IP address (NAT/LAN-based systems will NOT work). You have SSH, gcc and g++ installed. (Quick note: yum install gcc g++ or apt-get install gcc [...]

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