Adding custom directives to VirtualHosts
September 1, 2009 by admin
Filed under Direct Admin
You can add extra settings for virtual hosts of a domain using DirectAdmin. Simple follow these steps: Go to Admin Panel -> Admin Settings -> Customize Httpd Configurations. Click the domain from the list that you want to insert the extra httpd.conf code to. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see the current httpd.conf [...]
Installing DirectAdmin in dedicated server
August 15, 2009 by admin
Filed under Direct Admin
Before you start install of DirectAdmin, make you everything is ready. Check Prerequisites: Check your OS and Hardware are capable of running DirectAdmin. Click here for details. At least one external IP address (NAT/LAN-based systems will NOT work). You have SSH, gcc and g++ installed. (Quick note: yum install gcc g++ or apt-get install gcc [...]