Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Optimizing Virtualmin to consume lower RAM

July 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Webmin

By default Virtualmin is installed and configured to maximize performance, rather than minimize memory usage. Thus, it may create certain problems on a system with less than 256MB of RAM. However, you can take steps to reduce memory usages! These steps will not hurt performance on a low memory system, as running out of memory [...]

Introduction to Virtualmin

March 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Webmin

Virtualmin is a Webmin module for managing multiple virtual hosts through a single interface, like Plesk or Cpanel. It supports the creation and management of Apache virtual hosts, BIND DNS domains, MySQL databases, and mailboxes and aliases with Sendmail or Postfix. It makes use of the existing Webmin modules for these servers, and so should [...]