Restoring an account’s backup in Enkompass!
Earlier, we have shown how to configure Enkompass for taking backup automatically by Enkompass. Now let’s see how can we restore a backup. How to? Login to Enkompass as Administrator or Reseller Click on Restore Backup from the left navigation panel.
Optimizing Virtualmin to consume lower RAM
By default Virtualmin is installed and configured to maximize performance, rather than minimize memory usage. Thus, it may create certain problems on a system with less than 256MB of RAM. However, you can take steps to reduce memory usages! These steps will not hurt performance on a low memory system, as running out of memory [...]
Disallow /cpanel, /webmail to be redirected to ssl/tls ports (2083, 2096)
If you are getting certificate errors while you are trying to visit http://domain/cpanel, the most probable reason is that the error is regarding the issuer. That is most people usages self-signed SSL certificates for the services. The error is not a big issue comparing to the benefits of using secured over Non-secured connections. However, for [...]
Installing and configuring monit to monitor your server(s)
Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. Pre Install Step: yum install openssl* Step 1: Installing monit from Source cd /usr/local/src wget tar -zxvf monit-5.0.3.tar.gz cd monit-5.0.3 ./configure –sysconfdir=/etc/monit/ [...]