HyperVM Installation with OpenVZ kernel!
HyperVM is a flexible Virtualization Management System. Using HyperVM you can control your server farm from a single Console. HyperVM supports both OS level (OpenVZ) and Hardware level (Xen) virtualization. Installations Installing HyperVM is quite easy! You need only a few commands to install it from your linux shell as root user. Basically, HyperVM installation [...]
Practical experience of migrating from HyperVM to VDSManager
This is originally posted by JOEsDC in WHT. It may come to use others’ help. I was able to successfully migrate all my hypervm nodes to VDSmanager without any data loss. Here are the steps I took. NOTE: I was running an up to date version of CentOS 5.3 x86_64 on all my nodes. I [...]
HyperVM A multi-Virtualization Software: Boon For VPS Hosting Providers
HyperVM is a multi-virtualization, multi-server and multi-tiered software which permits VPS seller to manage, provide and delegate Open VZ or Xen based Virtual Private Servers (VPS). HyperVM is available in an hypervm HyperVM A multi-Virtualization Software: Boon For VPS Hosting Providers integrated form with Lxadmin hosting control panel. With the use of HyperVM the service [...]