Disallow /cpanel, /webmail to be redirected to ssl/tls ports (2083, 2096)
If you are getting certificate errors while you are trying to visit http://domain/cpanel, the most probable reason is that the error is regarding the issuer. That is most people usages self-signed SSL certificates for the services. The error is not a big issue comparing to the benefits of using secured over Non-secured connections. However, for [...]
Some Billing and Automation Software:: Both for Linux and Windows Platform
October 14, 2009 by littlemaster
Filed under cPanel
This discussion about some Automation and Billing Software. Reading this article any one can gather necessary knowledge on Automation software. Okay lets go; AWBS AWBS – “Advanced Webhost Billing System” AWBS is a commercial web host billing system, which features a wide range of modules for automated domain name registration, web host account provisioning, and [...]