Finding all subdomains of any specific domain (DNS afxr)
It is possible to get list of all subdomains of any domain name. However, that must be allowed by the DNS Server. This is called AXFR. Step One: Getting authoritative nameserver(s) from linux shell dig Now check the output in authority section. Let assume it is Now use the dig command as follow: [...]
Disallow /cpanel, /webmail to be redirected to ssl/tls ports (2083, 2096)
If you are getting certificate errors while you are trying to visit http://domain/cpanel, the most probable reason is that the error is regarding the issuer. That is most people usages self-signed SSL certificates for the services. The error is not a big issue comparing to the benefits of using secured over Non-secured connections. However, for [...]
The dos and don’ts of domain registration
1) Never get your domain registration from your web host. Even if it’s free. If you get into a dispute with your web host and they also administer your domain registration, the web host will in all likelihood lock you out from your domains until the dispute is settled. If you have a separate registrar [...]